Get essential energy information for each area of your building with a simple metering solution
Applications :
Small to medium-sized businesses, commercial, non-critical industrial buildings and multiple remote business sites.
Powerlink empowers owners, management & operation teams with the energy information they need to make process and financial decisions to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
How the solution works:
We install smart meters, current transformers and our WMU data-loggers in strategic locations, which provides information to a users computer or device via user login to Powerlink, the cloud-based consumption-tracking software.
Powerlink software is the most simplistic way to improve your building’s energy efficiency. It is also the perfect foundation for upgrading to more sophisticated energy and power control systems at a later stage.
The core of the system is the advanced WMU data-logger which picks up metering data from energy meters and flow meters.
It grabs, aggregates and transmits the data to the easy-to-use web browser interface which generates the necessary management information, dashboards and displays curves, trends and reports in real time. Manual, scheduled or event-triggered reports are configured to send to admin or core users via email.
It displays information on all WAGES (water, air, gas, electricity and steam) consumption for each production line or building unit, and then develops ratios and analysis showing each machine’s or each area’s consumption profile.
These are part of a downloadable metering database for in-depth analysis, environmental records or management reports.
The solution can help detect problems like equipment left on, overrides, flow leakages and then provides preconfigured indicators at intervals or on demand.
Additional functions are also available, including an alarm generator for maximum energy consumption overruns and thresholds, power faults, abnormal consumption cycles and a controller for load shedding, automatic shut down, and override limitation.
Client driver:
“As Energy Manager for the organisation, I need a robust system that can gather, aggregate, track, and clearly display energy trends and reports for all areas of my building. This system should allow me to swiftly identify areas where corrective actions could help decrease my building’s energy usage, waste and spend.” – Energy Manager, Pharmaceutical & life sciences leader.
“I need to be able to identify irregular and unusual consumption easily at scheduled intervals so that I can control the overall flow of energy throughout the production plant.” – Plant Manager, Global building materials group
User friendly & intuitive features

Powerlink’s user friendly & intuitive features
Primary sectors we help:

Primary sectors we do Powerlink business